
Math 8061: Schedule and Homework Assignments

The schedule below will be gradually filled out as the class progresses.

Day Topic Book pages Homework
8/27 Review of topological notionsAppendix, p. 541-544.
8/29 Topological manifolds P. 1-8. Homework 1, due 9/5.
9/5 Smooth structures P. 11-14, 17-18 Homework 2, due 9/12
9/10 More about smooth atlases P. 14, 19-24
9/12 Partitions of unity P. 49-54 Homework 3, due 9/19
9/17 Smooth functions, smooth maps P. 31-36, 55-57
9/19 The rank theorem P. 156-158, 163-168
9/24 Immersions and embeddings P. 174-176, 180-183 Homework 4, due 10/3.
10/1 Embedding manifolds in R^n
10/3 Sard's Theorem Handout
10/8 Tangent vectors P. 61-65
10/10 Pushforwards, tangent bundle P. 66-71, 81-82 Homework 5, due 10/22.
10/15 Vector fields P. 82-89
10/17 Integral curves and flows P. 435-442
10/22 Regular points of a vector field P. 447-450
10/24 Lie derivatives, Lie Brackets P. 89-91, 465-468 Homework 6, due 11/5
10/31 Commuting vector fields P. 468-472
11/5 Frobenius integrability theorem P. 495-496, 500-505
11/7Tangent covectors P. 125-134. Homework 7, due 11/14
11/12Pullbacks and line integrals P. 136-142.
11/14Multilinear algebra P. 294-302.
11/19Differential forms P. 302-310. Homework 8, due 11/28
11/26Closed and exact forms P. 143-148; 310.
11/28Orientation forms P. 327-329; 334-340.
12/3 Integration on manifolds P. 350-356. Homework 9, due 12/12
12/5 Stokes' theorem P. 359-362.

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dfuter at temple edu
Last modified: Fri Aug 21 15:35:22 PDT 2009