1/14 | 1.1 | The origins of knot theory | |
1/16 | 1.2 | Knot composition | Homework
1, due 1/23
1/21 | 1.3, 1.5 | Reidemeister moves, tricolorability |
1/23 | 1.4 | Links and linking numbers | Homework 2, due 1/30
1/28 | 2.1, 2.2 | Tabulation and Dowker
notation | See project
1/30 | 2.4 | Knots and planar graphs | Homework 3, due 2/6
2/4 | 3.1, 3.3 | Crossing number and unknotting
number | Tell me groups for project by 2/6
2/6 | 2.3, 3.2 | Rational knots and bridge number | Homework
4, due 2/13
2/11 | 4.1 | Surfaces and homeomorphism | Bring tape &
scissors today
2/13 | 4.1, 4.2 | Surfaces with
boundary; Euler characteristic | Homework
5, due 2/20
2/18 | 4.2 | Surfaces in knot theory |
2/20 | 4.3 | The genus of a knot | Homework
6, due 2/27. Project topics by 2/27.
2/25 | 4.3 | Additivity of knot genus |
2/27 | 5.1, 5.2 | Torus knots, satellite knots | Homework 7, due 3/12
3/10 | 5.2, 5.3 | Satellite knots, 3 types of knots |
3/12 |
5.3 | Spherical
and Hyperbolic
| Play with Torus games and
hyperbolic games
3/17 | 5.3 | Hyperbolic surfaces, hyperbolic knots |
3/19 | 5.4
Braids; Vogel's
algorithm for braiding | Homework
due 3/26
3/24 | 5.4 | Braid groups | Paper draft due today or tomorrow
3/26 | 6.1 | Bracket polynomial | Homework 9, due 4/2
3/28 | 6.1 | Jones polynomial |
4/2 | | Writing and editing for clarity |
4/7 | 6.2 | Jones polynomials of alternating links |
4/9 | 6.2 | Jones polynomials and crossing number |
4/14 | | Presentation: n-colorability |
See review sheet for final exam
4/16 | | Presentation: Knot-based cryptography |
4/21 | | Presentation: The uknotting problem |
4/23 | | Presentation: Knot-based cryptography | Papers and
individual reflection due
4/28 | | Review session, 11:00 AM |
5/5 | | Final exam due at 11:00 AM |