PHYS5702 Quantum Mechanics II

Spring 2018

Course Information and Class Syllabus

Course Information
Class Syllabus
PHYS5701 Quantum Mechanics I Spring 2018


Modern Quantum Mechanics, 2e (2017)
Original errata
Note: The international edition of this textbook is missing Chapter 8

Homework Assignments

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5,
Final problem set, to be worked independently: #6

Supplemental Materials

Energy level diagram for 2p Zeeman effect
Mathematica notebook with examples of the Variational Principle
Experimental demonstration of Berry's phase with ultracold neutrons
Willis Lamb's article Anti-photon, on why he doesn't use the word "photon"
Three articles on "Fermi's Golden Rule" from the American Journal of Physics: A note on the basics of complex analysis

Jim Napolitano