PHYS5701 Quantum Mechanics I

Spring 2018

Course Information and Class Syllabus

Course Information
Class Syllabus


Modern Quantum Mechanics, 2e (2017)
Original errata

Homework Assignments

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,
Final problem set, to be worked independently: #7

Supplemental Materials

Units in electromagnetism: SI versus Gaussian
The Hamiltonian for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field
Heisenberg's original paper (in English and German) along with an interpretation.
Publication on the observation of quantum states of bouncing neutrons.
Observation of gravitational phase shift on neutrons: Short and Long papers
Observation of rotational phase shift on neutrons: Grenoble and Purdue papers
Euler Angle demonstration: Mathematica notebook from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project

Jim Napolitano