PHYS5701 Quantum Mechanics I
Fall 2020
Course Information and Class Syllabus
Course Information
Class Syllabus
Modern Quantum Mechanics, 3e (2020)
Online materials
Homework Assignments
Final problem set, to be worked independently: #7
Supplemental Materials
Plot of data on latest g-2 data from David Sweigart's
PhD Thesis
Mathematica notebook on the linear potential problem
Phys Rev D article on the observation of quantum states of bouncing neutrons
Phys Rev Lett article on the observation of quantum interference for neutrons and gravity
Measuring Quantized Flux: The noisy discovery and precise confirmation
Measuring Neutron Spin Rotation:
Rauch, et al and
Werner, et al
A not-so-good video of manipulating people to illustrate Euler rotation.
The Freedman Clauser Experiment showing violation of Bell's Inequality
Jim Napolitano