PHYS3701 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2019
Course Information and Class Syllabus
Course Information
Class Syllabus
Topics with cross listing to textbook sections
Quantum Mechanics, 6e (2016)
Note: We will be working from the second printing of this book, which changes some problem numbers (and other things) from the first printing. If the last problem on Page 108 is "5.19 The carbon dioxide molecule...", then you have the right book. You can find changes from the first printing here.
Supplemental Materials
Regarding Heisenberg's approach to quantum mechanics.
A reproduction of Figure 5.2 and the
Mathematica notebook that made it, and which also recalculates Table 5.1.
Mathematica notebook (and for Worked Example 10.4 in the textbook.
Purcell's discovery of the 21cm line in the Galaxy
Something to beware regarding Thomas precession
Mathematica notebook that demonstrates time dependence by the interference of states in the one dimensional infinite square well.
The paper "Anti Photon" by Willis Lamb is a nice story about how peculiar terminology finds its way into Physics.
Data from a paper on the elastic proton scattering differential cross section on isotopes of calcium.
Jim Napolitano