Curriculum Vitae

Coordinates Genealogy
My entry at Mathematics Genealogy Project
1983-1996   Basic school education
1996-1997Social service as emergency medical technician
1997-2000University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Undergraduate studies in Technomathematics (minor: Physics)
2000-2001Lawrence Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley, CA
2001-2006University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Graduate studies in applied mathematics
2006-2009 MIT, Cambridge, MA
Instructor of Applied Mathematics
2009-2015Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
2015-2022  Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Associate Professor of Mathematics
2020-2022  Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Associate Professor of Physics
2017-present  Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Director, Center for Computational Mathematics and Modeling
2022-present  Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Professor of Mathematics and Physics
2003                 Diploma Dipl.-Math.techn. (MSc), Certificates of Mathematics International and ECMI
Thesis: Optimal prediction in molecular dynamics
2006Dr.rer.nat. (PhD)
Thesis: M-matrices in meshless finite difference methods
Awards and Support
2001Otto A. Wipprecht Fellowship
2003-2006Fellowship by the German Research Foundation in the Graduate college Mathematics and Practice
2008-2013 NSF grant DMS-0813648 (Comput. Math), Capturing subgrid structures with level set methods
2010-2013 NSF grant DMS-1007899 (Applied Math), Collaborative Research: Phantom traffic jams, continuum modeling, and connections with detonation wave theory
2011-2014 NSF grant DMS-1115269 (Comput. Math), Collaborative Research: Numerical approaches for incompressible viscous flows with high order accuracy up to the boundary
2013-2016 NSF grant DMS-1318641 (Comput. Math), A computational framework for atherosclerotic plaque growth simulations
2013-2016 NSF grant DMS-1318709 (Comput. Math), Collaborative Research: Gradient-augmented level set methods and jet schemes
2013 Greenshields Prize by the Committee on Traffic Flow Theory & Characteristics, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences
2015-2018 NSF grant CNS-1446690 (ITR CPS), CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Control of vehicular traffic flow via low density autonomous vehicles
2016 Dean's Distinguished Excellence in Mentoring Award, College of Science and Technology, Temple University
2017-2020 NSF grant DMS-1719640 (Comput. Math), Collaborative Research: Overcoming order reduction and stability restrictions in high-order time-stepping
2018 PA Dept. of Agriculture grant, An integrative approach to model, predict and control the spotted lanternfly invasion meltdown in Pennsylvania
2018-2020 PA Dept. of Agriculture grant, Furthering computational approaches for modeling, predicting and controlling Spotted Lanternfly invasion and its economic impact
2019-2020 PA Dept. of Agriculture grant, Integrated approach to understand Spotted Lanternfly population dynamics
2020 Simons Participant long program Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles (Fall 2020) by the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics
2020-2023 DOE grant DE-EE000887 (EERE, VTO), CIRCLES: Congestion Impact Reduction via CAV-in-the-loop Lagrangian Energy Smoothing (lead: UC Berkeley)
2020 US Dept. of Agriculture grant (APHIS), Linking field biology and mathematical modeling to predict Spotted Lanternfly spread and optimal control
2020-2024 US Dept. of Agriculture grant (CSRI), Biology, management and reducing the impact of the Spotted Lanternfly on specialty crops in the Eastern USA (lead: Penn State)
2020-2024 NSF grant DMS-1952878 (CDS&E-MSS), Flexible and Scalable Moment Method Simulations for Radiation Transport and Nuclear Medicine Applications
2020-2023 NSF grant DMS-2012271 (Comput. Math), Collaborative Research: Euler-Based Time-Stepping with Optimal Stability and Accuracy for Partial Differential Equations
2020-2021 US Dept. of Agriculture grant (PPQ FarmBill), Mathematical modeling of Spotted Lanternfly population dynamics to aide in spread prediction and control optimization
2021-2023 PA Dept. of Agriculture grant, Furthering computational approaches to model the Spotted Lanternfly invasion and economic impacts
2022-2024 US Dept. of Agriculture grant (APHIS), Mathematical modeling of the spread of the Spotted Lanternfly to design optimal protocols and strategies for control
2023-2024 NSF grant DMS-2330895 (conference grant), Conference: Mathematical Opportunities in Digital Twins (MATH-DT)
2023-2026 NSF grant DMS-2309728 (Comput. Math), Collaborative Research: Accuracy-Preserving Robust Time-Stepping Methods for Fluid Problems
Personal Interests
 Soccer, Ultimate frisbee, skiing, travels, board games