Course 8200 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Multiscale Modeling and Methods - Fall 2024

Official Information
Course Number:Math 8200.001
Course Title:Topics in Applied Mathematics: Multiscale Modeling and Methods
Times:MW 10:30-11:50
Places:617 Wachman Hall
Instructor: Benjamin Seibold
Instructor Email: seibold(at) 
Instructor Office:518 Wachman Hall
Instructor Office Hours:M 1:00-2:00, W 2:00-3:00
Course Textbooks: Materials will be drawn from a variety of resources, both for lectures and for additional reading:
Official:Course Syllabus
Topics Covered: Many real-world systems possess a variety of scales, with the micro-scale dynamics of the constitutive particles (such as atoms in materials, biological cells in organisms, or vehicles in traffic flow) shaping emergent structures on the macroscopic “laboratory” scale in non-trivial ways. This course provides a trip into the world of mathematical multiscale methods that enable the systematic traversing of these scales. Besides introducing applications in materials, traffic flow, and the life-sciences, the course covers analytical multiscale methods (such as continuum dynamics from molecular dynamics, averaging methods, homogenenization, Mori-Zwanzig formalism, kinetic theory, moment methods, and uncertainty quantification) as well as discusses important computational multiscale methodologies (such as multigrid methods, the fast multipole method, and adaptive mesh refinement).
Course Goals: Students will obtain a perspective of many aspects related to mathematical models and methods. They will learn about modeling, mathematical analysis, and computational methods that effectively handle problems that exhibit multiple scales.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend every class. If a student cannot attend a class for some justifiable reason, he or she is expected to contact the instructor before class.
Course Grading: Assignments: 50%; final examination: 50%
Final Exam Date:12/14/2024
Course Schedule
08/26/2024   Lec 1
Examples of multiscale problems, examples of methods
08/28/2024   Lec 2
Discrete vs. continuum, micro vs. macro, density estimation
09/04/2024   Lec 3
Sampling, continuity equation, traffic flow
09/09/2024   Lec 4
Basic traffic models, from micro to macro
09/11/2024   Lec 5
Microscale in continuuum models, asymptotic analysis
09/16/2024   Lec 6
Singular perturbations, boundary layers, Burgers' equation
09/18/2024   Lec 7
WKB method
   Read: WKB method
09/23/2024   Lec 8
Homogenization (Henry Brown): Lecture notes
   Read: Homogenization
09/25/2024   Lec 9
Cellular models
09/30/2024   Lec 10
Random walks and diffusion (Jacob Woods)
10/02/2024   Lec 11
Continuum limits of cellular models
10/07/2024   Lec 12
Multiscale cellular automata (Madison Shoraka)
10/09/2024   Lec 13
Cell transmission model, hierarchy of physical models
10/14/2024   Lec 14
Density Functional Theory (Afrina Meghla)
10/21/2024   Lec 15
Molecular dynamics
10/23/2024   Lec 16
Euler equation limit from Boltzmann equation (Nicole Zalewski)
10/28/2024   Lec 17
Statistical mechanics
10/30/2024   Lec 18
Kinetic traffic models (Blessing Nwonu)
11/04/2024   Lec 19
Molecular chaos, H-theorem, BGK and Vlasov equation
11/06/2024   Lec 20
Fast summation methods (Youmna Layoun)
11/07/2024   Lec 21
Radiation transport, diffusion approximation
11/11/2024   Lec 22
Moment methods
11/13/2024   Lec 23
Domain decomposition methods (Logan Reed)
11/18/2024   Lec 24
Asymptotic preserving methods: concept and non-AP method
11/20/2024   Lec 25
Asymptotic preserving methods: AP scheme
12/02/2024   Lec 26
Uncertainty quantification, Monte Carlo, generalized polynomial chaos
12/04/2024   Lec 27
Mori-Zwanzig formalism
12/09/2024   Lec 28
Optimal prediction, Outlook on adaptive mesh refinement and multigrid
12/14/2024 Final Examination
Matlab Programs
  • Test of two numerical methods for the wave equation with stiff relaxation in second component (modeling the P1 model of radiation transport is the strong scattering regime). One method is asymptotic preserving, while the other is not: temple8200_ap_methods.m
Homework Problem Sets