
Syllabus for Math 132, Section 6

Fall Semester 2005

This course is about differential calculus of functions of a single variable. The topics we will study include: limits, rates of change, continuous functions, tangent lines, derivatives, rules of differentiation, the chain rule, implicit differentiation, related rates, applications of derivatives (including optimization and curve sketching), antiderivatives, indefinite and definite integrals, and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Required Text: Thomas' Calculus, by Weir, Hass, and Giordano (Eleventh Edition)
Recommended Text: How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide, by Adams, Hass, and Thompson

We will cover Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Thomas' Calculus. The supplementary book, How to Ace Calculus, serves as a highly readable (and lighthearted) guide to the same topics. Note that we are skipping Chapter 1; it is expected that you are already familiar with the review material covered there. The same background material is sketched out in Chapter 5 of How to Ace Calculus. If you have trouble with any of these topics, please come see me in my office hours ASAP so that we can get you caught up.

Grading Scheme

The course grade will be determined from your homework and exam scores as follows. (The test dates are tentative for now.)

Component Date Worth
Homework Wednesdays 10%
Test 1 September 19 15%
Test 2 October 14 15%
Test 3 November 11 15%
Test 4 December 7 15%
Final Exam December 12 30%

There are no calculators allowed on any of the exams.

It is possible that these test dates may change slightly, but the exact dates for each test will be finalized at least 10 days in advance of each test. There will be only one catch-all make-up test at the end of the semester. A student who misses a test without a valid, acceptable excuse (accompanied by documented proof, such as a medical note) will receive a score of zero on that test. See http://www.msu.edu/unit/ombud/excuses.html for information about acceptable excuses. It is not recommended to miss more than one test. Such instances, if they arise, will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and may include my recommendation that the student withdraw from the course.

Gateway Exams

All Math 132 students are required to take the Gateway Exams. There are two during the semester. The first consists of questions covering algebra. A student may take it once a day until he/she passes. The first Gateway exam opens on September 7 and runs through September 30. The second Gateway exam begins on October 3 and ends on October 28. It covers elementary differentiation techniques. Students who pass the gateway exams within the first two weeks (that is, by September 21 and October 19, respectively) earn a 2% bonus (to the final grade) for each. If a student passes a Gateway exam, but after the first two weeks (and before it closes), there is no point score adjustment. Failure to pass a Gateway exam results in a 2% penalty to your final grade. More information can be found at http://www.math.msu.edu/Cstudent/Gateway/index.html.

Homework Policy and Getting Help

Homework assignments will be posted on the course webpage, and will typically be due on Wednesdays. No late homework will be accepted. Some of the questions will be routine examples just like something done in class; others will be harder and will require more thought. I encourage you start early and work in groups. There are only a couple of caveats to group work:
  • You should try to do all of the problems on your own before getting together with others. It does not benefit you (on exams and in the real world when you need to use math) to simply get solutions from your classmates! In fact, there is research suggesting that group work is much more productive when everyone has thought about the problems before getting together.
  • Everyone must turn in their own solutions. In other words, you should write up your final solutions in the privacy of your own room (or your own library, cafe, bar, roof, etc.).

If there is a homework problem which you are unable to solve even after thinking about it hard (and after reading the relevant section of the book), there are several resources for help:

  • Your classmates
  • Office hours, both mine and those of the other Math 132 instructors. We would be happy to help you out if you are stuck, but we will not answer questions about problems that you have yet to think about!
  • The Math Learning Center, located on the first floor of the A-Wing of Wells Hall. For hours of operation and for more information, see http://www.math.msu.edu/Cstudent/LearningCenter/index.html

Academic Integrity

Students are reminded that the University's policy concerning academic integrity is covered in the Spartan Life booklet, General Student Regulations. According to the handbook,

"no student shall claim or submit the work of another as one's own"

For more information about this and other scholarship issues, please consult the handbook or visit the Spartan Life web sites at http://www.vps.msu.edu/SpLife/reg3.htm and click on the link "Integrity of Scholarship and Grades" under the heading 1.00 PROTECTION OF SCHOLARSHIP AND GRADES.

Important Dates

8/29/05 CLASSES BEGIN for FALL 2005
8/29/2005 Late enrollment fee ($100) begins for first-time enrollees.
9/2/2005 On-line open add period ends at 8 p.m. Last day to change to or from CR/NC or Visitor—must be done in Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m.
9/5/2005 Labor Day -- University closed.
9/9/05 Last Day to "drop back" to a lower level Math Class, Late Add, or Section Change (in A212 WH).
9/22/2005 End of tuition refund period -- no refund after this date (1/4 of semester).
10/18/2005 MIDDLE OF TERM: Last day for withdrawal or dropping courses with no grade reported. $200 late enrollment fee assessed after this date for first time enrollees. Final date to report completion of I-incomplete from Spring or Summer.
10/18/2005 Close of on-line drops for Fall -- 8 p.m.
11/11/2005 Fall students who have not enrolled for Spring 2006 by 8 p.m. are subject to a $50 late enrollment fee.
11/18/2005 Final date to initiate a withdrawal from the University.
11/24/2005-11/25/2005 Thanksgiving holiday observed -- University closed.
12/9/2005 Classes end for Fall 2005
12/12/2005-12/16/2005 Final Exams for Fall 2005

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dfuter at temple edu
Last modified: Sun Aug 28 15:35:22 PDT 2005